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Roken veroorzaakt huidkanker?Het staat uitbundig in alle kranten op 30 december 2000: roken zou huidkanker veroorzaken. Enige research onzerzijds leidt naar de bron van het nieuwtje. Een abstract van het betreffende onderzoek is te vinden op http://intl.jco.org/cgi/content/abstract/19/1/231. Het volledige artikel is alleen na betaling te verkrijgen en daarom slechts voor een beperkt publiek toegankelijk. Dat maakt het kritisch doorlichten van het onderzoek moeilijk. Zoals uit de commentaren blijkt, neemt de pers dit soort onderzoeken weer eens onterecht serieus.Forces commentaarVoor zover uit het abstract kan worden geconcludeerd zijn als intermediërende factoren alleen leeftijd, geslacht en blootstelling aan de zon meegenomen. Dat levert een RR-waarde van 2 op, een waarde die nét statistisch significant mag worden genoemd. Andere factoren zoals het gebruik van een zonnebank, huidcrèmes, voeding, sociale klasse of erfelijke aanleg zijn blijkbaar niet meegenomen in het onderzoek. Gezien het feit dat na correctie voor deze factoren nog een RR van 2 overbleef lijkt het voor de hand te liggen dat deze factoren de RR-waarde nog verder naar beneden zullen brengen en dus het resultaat statistisch insignificant zullen maken. Een controle, door bijvoorbeeld het aantal huidkankergevallen in Nederland te correleren met het aantal rokers, ontbreekt ook. En misschien, héél misschien, hebben de lezers ook recht op een verklaring hoe deze twee zaken causaal met elkaar in verband te brengen zijn (biologische plausibiliteit)? Treedt de huidkanker misschien op bij de gele vlekken op de vingers? (You never know!) Deze omissies lijken de conclusies van dit onderzoek een twijfelachtige basis te geven. Wéér een onderzoek dat uitblinkt door onzorgvuldigheid? Commentaar van een statisticusUit: alt.smokers I'm a business stat and operations research professor. Although I'd have to look at the article to be sure, I can venture a resonable guess that may help with the interesting question you raise. Most likely they have used a regression type model, called logit or probit, to estimate probability of the presence of the clinical condition mentioned as a function of the average number of cigarettes smoked. The 3.3 appears to be an average over all the smoking cases. We don't know the predicted probability for the nonsmoking group. So we don't know what 3.3 is multiplied by and your question can't be answered directly. It may be that the base is .0001 chance per year for NSs so that the prob becomes .00033 for smoking group. If the numbers are as small as I expect, then probably the sample size may be soo small also. My main worry for such a study would be that excessive dangerous levels of smoking would be averaged out into the moderate classes, giving an impression that the risk is there for all levels and increasing.. BTW although I am generally healthy and a smoker, I got a basal cell skin lesion that had to be removed a few years ago. This makes me skeptical about how random was the sample as well. I hope to take a hard look at some of these studies when I retire. Much of the smoking research reports just do not accord with my own experiences. Plus after all, few things in human experience are all bad or all good. Commentaar van Dave HittAt first glance, it looks like they've proved their case: "An association between smoking and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin was found (relative risk, 2.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.5 to 3.6; P = .0001), with a higher risk for current smokers (relative risk, 3.3; 95% confidence interval, 1.9 to 5.5) than for former smokers (relative risk, 1.9; 95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 3.0). After adjustment for age, sex, and sun exposure, the relative risk of squamous cell carcinoma was 2.0 (95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 3.2; P = .008). There was a dose-response relationship with number of cigarettes and pipes smoked. No significant association was found between smoking and nodular basal cell carcinoma, superficial multifocal basal cell carcinoma, or malignant melanoma." The RRs are high the CI doesn't straddle 1.0, and there is a dose response relationship. That makes it look legitimate. But...the sample size is laughably small: "PATIENTS AND METHODS: A hospital-based case-control study was performed that included 161 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, 301 with nodular basal cell carcinoma, 153 with superficial multifocal basal cell carcinoma, 125 with malignant melanoma, and 386 controls. Information on smoking history was collected in personal interviews. Relative risks were estimated using exposure odds ratios from cross-tabulation and logistic regression. " You usually have about three times as many controls (a random sample of the population) as you do cases (people with the illness you're studying.) In this case they didn't bother. They started with 740 cases, and a mere 386 controls. Not nearly enough, especially with a relatively rare illness. They adjusted for just three confounders - age, sex and sun exposure. They ignored many important ones: allergies, nationality, race, medications, compliance with medications, education, socioeconomic status (that's a huge one), exposure to other chemicals (that should be a biggie for skin cancer), occupation, and family history of cancer, to name a few. So we've got a study that uses a sample size that is far too small and ignores all but three confounders. I guess they were confident the media wouldn't bother the check up on them. This study, to use a technical term, didn't prove squat. |